On 12-13 April 2021 EURALIUS in cooperation with the School of Magistrates, Italian Project CSM/AICS and PAMECA V organized two days online training on sequestration and confiscation of assets under the Anti-Mafia Law. At the training were held presentations on the international practices and on the Albanian case law such as: International Conventions on sequestration and confiscation of assets of anti-corruption and other criminal offenses; Operational models and Investigative strategies concerning asset investigations and non-conviction-based confiscation: Practical Case studies according to the Italian Experience and Sequestration and confiscation of assets under the Albanian Anti-Mafia Law and problems of the case law. This training served to share national and international experience on sequestration and confiscation of assets and discussed measures as a tool to combat organized crime. Training was attended by circa 30 magistrates who participated lively in the discussions and showed high interest for the topic.